Student and International Soloist Madeline F Webber guides us straight-maned gals in the pursuit of those sumptuously curling locks- the lost art of Rag Curls.
First things first, if you want your hair to look like this during the day, steps 1-4 need to be done before you go to bed at night.
Step One
Wash your hair with volumizing shampoo. If you must use conditioner, use a smidgen of leave-in conditioner, but be sure to only apply from about the middle of your hair: near your ear and down, staying away from the roots. If you condition your roots, they'll be greasy by the time you wake up tomorrow! Brush your hair out with a comb as soon as you step out of the shower. Let your hair air dry, but not completely. Your hair should be somewhat damp for step two.
Step Two
Cut twenty 10" strips of old fabric (ask first!) or clean rags. The width of these doesn't really matter, because they're going to get folded over in your hair anyway.
Step Three
Comb a 1 1/2" section of your hair and place a rag strip close to your scalp and wind your hair around the rag. Then tie the two ends together, like a bow. Be sure not to knot it, it will cause frustration in the morning!
Note: If you want a wavier look, not curly, use fewer rags and bigger sections of hair.

Step Four
Repeat step three until your hair is up and you're ready for bed. Don't use hairspray or gel, or anything that you might think will set the curls in place. This just creates sticky hair, and a sticky situation.
Step Five
When you wake up in the morning, make sure your hair is completely dry. If it's not, you should blow-dry it quickly, on the lowest heat setting.
Step Six
Take the rags out one by one. If you start taking them out from the bottom, you won't run into problems with tangles.
Step Seven
If by chance a rag fell out while you were sleeping, a bow wasn't tied tightly enough, or you want one section curlier than another, you can always plug in
the curling iron for a touch-up.

Tune in tomorrow for the results!
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