Sunday, January 11, 2009

One Man's Junk...

Antiquing: the art of recovering beautiful objects from their dusty, moth-ridden cells. What can ultimately be an inexpensive way to amass a great deal of lovely items can also turn into something of a black hole- for money and your time. A few thing to keep in mind:
  1. Wear clothing you can move freely in without knocking things over- you do not want to have to pay for a smashed tea set or porcelain figure- even the heinous ones can turn out to be ridiculously expensive.
  2. Bring cash. And only as much as you want to spend. You're unlikely to find too many genuine antique spots with full credit/debit service.
  3. When deciding whether or not to make a purchase, ask yourself does the object of your desire pass the three way test? [Do you love it, will you use it/look at it/wear it often, can you afford it?
  4. Talk to the owners. You'll let them know you're truly interested in their wares, possibly hear a few extra special background stories, and be more likely to get a good deal.
  5. Barter! You're not at the mall, so haggle those prices down! But do so in a polite way (of course) making sure you don't insult the owner. It might also be a good idea to ask if the prices are fixed before attempting to slash a few zeros off the price tag.
  6. Bring along your mother/grandmother/aunt/whomever you like to share the experience- there's something for everyone in an antique shop!
  7. Break for tea somewhere impossibly posh to keep the mood.
  8. Look for old magazines to frame those funny little advertisements and retro photographs.
  9. Pick up a tea cup or two to glam up your morning cuppa.
  10. Pick up little buttons or badges that remind you of your friends and gift them- it's nice to feel loved and remembered!
  11. Some shops keep boxes of old postcards- the art is lovely, but check out the back for a glimpse into someone's world.
  12. Look for old silk scarves, fur stoles, lace tops- all those lovely ladylike garments of yesteryear- they're so elegant, and a little more posh than a manufactured version.
Be polite, get interested, and relish in the relics of days gone by- get out there and antique!

The "I-don't-need-this-but-why-wouldn't-I-buy-it?" Antiquing Playlist
  1. Ella Fitzgerald Under My Skin
  2. Michael Buble Feeling Good
  3. Louis Armstrong Hello Dolly
  4. Billie Holiday More Than You'll Know
  5. Ben Harper Suzie Blue

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