Sunday, October 4, 2009

Love, Love, Love

A little east-coast lovin' from the ever-so-delightful and downright adorable
Claire Marie Webber.

Love Lists

Everyday, we complain about our problems. About essay deadlines or the constant maritime rain, or the inability to find a pair of clean socks. We complain. We hate things. We say FML way too much for it to be cool anymore. But what if- instead of being whiney babies- we thought of the things we loved, instead of hated?

It’s a project that I started about a year ago, called love lists. The sole purpose is to put joy in someone’s heart or a smile on their otherwise grimaced face. Here’s how to do it:

1. Get scribing material
2. Find a friend. Maybe someone who is feeling low. Or someone that you just want to make happy for a minute.
3. Ask them to list 20 things that they love. Note: These 20 things don’t have to be their ultimate favourite things on earth. Just 20 things that make them smile, or that they appreciate. The person isn’t allowed to take a very long time thinking about it. It’s supposed to be very fresh in their minds.
- Example:
Claire loves lemonade, decks, warm hot chocolate when it’s cold outside, the feeling right before it rains, Birkenstocks, etc.
4. Complete the list.
5. Read it back to them
6. Watch the smile spread across their face
7. DONE!

You can keep the list or you can give it to them to remind them of what’s important to them. I’m making a book of all the love lists that I’ve done in the past year.

So start your list making! Make someone’s day. It feels great.

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