Saturday, February 7, 2009

To Do, To Do!

Don't stress- make lists, instead!
If you catch yourself falling behind or just a feel a little less than organized, pull out a notepad or create a new word document- it's time to make a To-Do list.
Whether you plan on ticking your agenda items off one by one or posting a list of lofty thoughts for simple motivation, write what you feel.
Top Five List Ideas
  1. Favourite Outfits - brought to you by Madeline F Webber - when you like what you see in the mirror, jot your outfit details down and tape the note to your closet door for the next time you're having a clothes-crisis
  2. Future Destinations - you don't have to see them all before you die or anything quite so melodramatic, but putting a thought or two towards where you're headed is a good idea.
  3. Letter List - all those folks you owe a lovely little bit of snail mail
  4. Tastes to Try - be it a list of restaurants for all you money-bags-misses, a list of meals to prepare for the kitchen-savvy, or even a list of PopTart flavours for the toaster-happy among us.
  5. Mistakes - if you don't remember them, how do you expect to avoid them in the future?  Log what you learn.

1 comment:

  1. I loooove lists. Love them.
    It might be true that I add completed items to a list, just so that I can cross them off.
