Looking for too-good-to-be-true, yet oh-so-natural lashes? Look no further, ladies, than your trusty Q-tip.
You heard me.
Next time you yank that mascara wand outta the tube, run the bristles over a Q-tip to remove excess, and coat your (curled!) lashes. Now, curled means with a curler. Regardless of how curly those lashes might already be, this tool is quipped as pure magic by too many pros for you to go all diva here. Suck it up and curl. Squeeze over lashes real real close to the eyelid, and repeat as many times as you can moving slowly outward.
Mascara - wipe then swipe.
Now take a lash and brow groomer to run through your lashes, just to make sure, and of course to brush out your brows. Nothing says sophistication quite like a well-kept brow.
VoilĂ !
You heard me.

Next time you yank that mascara wand outta the tube, run the bristles over a Q-tip to remove excess, and coat your (curled!) lashes. Now, curled means with a curler. Regardless of how curly those lashes might already be, this tool is quipped as pure magic by too many pros for you to go all diva here. Suck it up and curl. Squeeze over lashes real real close to the eyelid, and repeat as many times as you can moving slowly outward.
Mascara - wipe then swipe.
Now take a lash and brow groomer to run through your lashes, just to make sure, and of course to brush out your brows. Nothing says sophistication quite like a well-kept brow.
VoilĂ !
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