Heading home for the holidays to meet your latest beau's parents? Yikes. Bonne chance.
For some concrete advice with a good dash of humour, Cara Lehocki is back at the keyboard again, bringing us more tips and tricks for mess-free living... or at least making an attempt at it!
How to Meet the Parents.
By Cara Lehocki
Well it’s that time of year again, Christmas tunes are playing on the radio, snow is falling outside, and our exams are finishing up as we prep ourselves for another Christmas. This season could typically be a stress free break from all things academic and give us an opportunity to bake a few treats a la Martha Stewart style. For some of us this may be the case while some of you are in mere panic mode mentally preparing yourself for what could be the most uncomfortable social setting, yes I am talking about meeting his or her parents for the first time.
So you met a cute boy or girl in one of your classes, things have been going well and guess what...they want to take you home for Christmas to meet the good old rents! I have been there and let me tell you I tried to do everything right but ended up doing everything wrong. Last Christmas I dashed around town trying to find the perfect outfit, wine, chocolates and homemade card (which I remade and destroyed four times until I was satisfied with its level of perfection). Then I drove my nerve racked self over to the boys house (for his protection we will call him McDreamy). I was in that house less than 5 minutes when I somehow managed to smack my teeth into McDreamy’s chin, split it open so deep we had to go to the emergency room and spent the entirety of the evening in the hospital getting McDreamy’s chin stitched back together(for those of you wondering we were just dancing and goofing around in the kitchen. Ha!). We missed the dinner they had made for us and we missed the Christmas concert they had bought us all tickets to. My worst fear happened- I ruined Christmas, Yes I really did.
It is always nerve racking the first time you meet the parents so follow these few tips so you don’t do what I did last year..ie-make a horrible first impression.
Dress Appropriately:
This is not the time to show off your curves or new micro mini skirt. Don’t change your style but air on the side of conservative yet fashionable.
Easy on the Wine:
One tends to over drink when they are nervous. There is nothing worse than someone asking you a question about your family and your response is “Oh yes I would LOVE some more wine”. Remember they are trying to get to know YOU, not the silly sloppy you.
Contribute to the Conversation:
It is not enough to look cute and act sweet. Show them you are intelligent and opinionated, they want to see what attracted their son or daughter to you.
Bring a Gift:
It doesn’t have to be something crazy or expensive, just a small thank you for the meal, generally wine or a dessert works well.
Stick Around:
Always offer to help clean up and try not to run away after the meal. If they want to hang out with you to play cards or watch a movie do it, plus it may help ease your nerves and allow you to feel more yourself.
Now I am clearly no expert as my invitation to McDreamys Christmas family affair 2009 is still pending, and my title to this day remains “vampire girl” which I may never be able to redeem. But Despite my self-deprecating humour all I wish to do is pass the little wisdom I have accumulated from experience to those who find themselves in similar positions.
I bid you good luck on all your Christmas pursuits!
Cara “Vampire Girl” Lehocki
By Cara Lehocki
Well it’s that time of year again, Christmas tunes are playing on the radio, snow is falling outside, and our exams are finishing up as we prep ourselves for another Christmas. This season could typically be a stress free break from all things academic and give us an opportunity to bake a few treats a la Martha Stewart style. For some of us this may be the case while some of you are in mere panic mode mentally preparing yourself for what could be the most uncomfortable social setting, yes I am talking about meeting his or her parents for the first time.
So you met a cute boy or girl in one of your classes, things have been going well and guess what...they want to take you home for Christmas to meet the good old rents! I have been there and let me tell you I tried to do everything right but ended up doing everything wrong. Last Christmas I dashed around town trying to find the perfect outfit, wine, chocolates and homemade card (which I remade and destroyed four times until I was satisfied with its level of perfection). Then I drove my nerve racked self over to the boys house (for his protection we will call him McDreamy). I was in that house less than 5 minutes when I somehow managed to smack my teeth into McDreamy’s chin, split it open so deep we had to go to the emergency room and spent the entirety of the evening in the hospital getting McDreamy’s chin stitched back together(for those of you wondering we were just dancing and goofing around in the kitchen. Ha!). We missed the dinner they had made for us and we missed the Christmas concert they had bought us all tickets to. My worst fear happened- I ruined Christmas, Yes I really did.
It is always nerve racking the first time you meet the parents so follow these few tips so you don’t do what I did last year..ie-make a horrible first impression.
Dress Appropriately:
This is not the time to show off your curves or new micro mini skirt. Don’t change your style but air on the side of conservative yet fashionable.
Easy on the Wine:
One tends to over drink when they are nervous. There is nothing worse than someone asking you a question about your family and your response is “Oh yes I would LOVE some more wine”. Remember they are trying to get to know YOU, not the silly sloppy you.
Contribute to the Conversation:
It is not enough to look cute and act sweet. Show them you are intelligent and opinionated, they want to see what attracted their son or daughter to you.
Bring a Gift:
It doesn’t have to be something crazy or expensive, just a small thank you for the meal, generally wine or a dessert works well.
Stick Around:
Always offer to help clean up and try not to run away after the meal. If they want to hang out with you to play cards or watch a movie do it, plus it may help ease your nerves and allow you to feel more yourself.
Now I am clearly no expert as my invitation to McDreamys Christmas family affair 2009 is still pending, and my title to this day remains “vampire girl” which I may never be able to redeem. But Despite my self-deprecating humour all I wish to do is pass the little wisdom I have accumulated from experience to those who find themselves in similar positions.
I bid you good luck on all your Christmas pursuits!
Cara “Vampire Girl” Lehocki
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