When visiting a newborn, it's important to keep a few things in mind.
- They are quite possibly the most adorable things you will ever see. Be prepared. But do try to keep from weeping incessantly.
- Never ever call a baby ugly. First of all, newborns are just getting started on the gorgeous thing, and second of all, babies are beautiful no matter what.
- Don't ask to hold the baby if you don't actually want to. This is simply a terrible idea.
- If and when you do choose to hold the baby, place the baby's head in the crook of your arm (the other side of your elbow) and wrap your other arm either around the baby or around your arm.
- Don't be afraid to talk to the baby, or tell it nice things. Just don't get carried away and try to avoid baby-talk. Keep in mind that just because you are in the company of an infant, you yourself have not regressed to their vocabulary.
Pictured above is Madelyn Francesca Palimaka, O'Keefe House's most beloved little person. We wish Kate and Jared all the absolute best in their adventures with Maddy.
Photographs by Chris Taylor and Kate Palimaka
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