When the worst of the season makes you cough and sneeze, it's time to eschew all academic and social pursuits in favour of a good book, a good snooze and a good bit of TLC.
Hellooooo, nurse!
Get yourself to a doctor's office, or at least a pharmacist- don't try to cure your sickness "au naturel" - get drugged up, your body will respond.
The Eats
Puh-lenty of soup, nice and hot. Try to throw in a few noodles for some carbohydrates, and a bit of chicken for some protein. If you can't deal, though, broth is fine.
Crackers - good all the time, but especially soothing for a sore tummy.
Ginger ale- not technically something you "eat" but still necessary when ill. Blue gatorade too.
A Good Strong Cuppa
Load up on tea, baby! Keep it clear, and stick to herbal- you don't want to hinder the sleep cycle, and it's best to keep milk products to a minimum (to avoid mucus.... gross...).
Drink water. The end.
Mind your manners
When someone comes to visit you, even if you're too tired to deal, treat them kindly. They're here to make you feel better, so give them a good shot.
Kleenex, please!
Keep about five thousand boxes of tissue close at hand, the sniffles are not appealing.
The Uniform
Stylish folk get sick too, and it's possible not to look like a trainwreck just 'cause you're sickly. Sweatpants and fleece are great for keeping the warm fuzzies in, but try to change once in a while. Take an extra twenty seconds to co-ordinate pyjamas, or at least make sure your top isn't 100% see-through. You can do it!
Sleep as much as you possibly can, now is the only time when it is officially not rude to just nod off at the drop of a hat.